• intro 4
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  • intro 1

A story based on science and innovation

Better solutions through research



A spin-off company of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia one of the biggest research bodies in Italy: a team of engineers, physicists and geologists with a long involvement in research and business management with a view to creating added value from the results of more than 60 years of experience.

SpacEarth designs and develops applications, software and hardware products for the Aerospace, Maritime and Environment fields, in cooperation with major European and Italian public and private organizations, universities and research centers.

About us

Meet the team



Remote sensing, geothermal monitoring and mine seismology.


High precision monitoring system for space weather and earth observation.


Deep sea monitoring by data acquisition and control system.

Latest news


    November, 2023


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  • MaSAG23 Summer School

    May 15 - 20, 2023

    Summer School and Conference in “Mathematics for Signal processing and Applications in Geophysics and other fields - MaSAG”.

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  • ION GNSS+ 2022

    September 19-23, 2022

    Spacearth is present at the ION GNSS + event, the world's largest technical meeting and showcase of GNSS technology, products and services.

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  • Spazio 2050 - Rivista ASI luglio 2022

    Luglio 2022

    Trasformare sofsticate analisi scientifche in prodotti commerciali ad alto valore aggiunto

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  • First Innovation Day - Pithia NRF

    June 21, 2022

    On June 21, 2022, at the Industrie Fluviali Conference Hall in Rome, SpacEarth Technology, partner of the PITHIA-NRF H2020 project, will organize the PITHIA-NRF’s first Innovation Day

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  • Laboratorio sui fenomeni climatici

    2022, Febbraio

    Osservare la terra dallo spazio per monitorare lo stato di salute dell'ambiente, questo il tema del laboratorio tenutosi a Vicenza all'interno del progetto AVATAR.

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  • Nuovo Catalogo Industria Spaziale Italiana

    2021, September

    Pubblicata la 5 edizione del Catalogo dell'Industria Spaziale Italiana. Questa nuova edizione include più start-up e un numero maggiore di Piccole e Medie Imprese

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  • Spacearth Technology

    March 5, 2021

    SpacEarth Technology offers a job opportunity as junior economic and market analyst.

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  • Copernicus Academy

    January 2021

    SpacEarth Technology entra a far parte della prestigiosa rete “Copernicus Academy”.

    Joining the prestigious Copernicus Academy network.

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  • Monitoring System of rock stability in mines

    September 2020

    Monitoring System of rock stability in mines based on Advanced 4D seismic analysis. New approach to seismic monitoring system will make mining safer.

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  • INGV - Job advertisement

    March 30, 2020

    The INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) is looking for a postdoc researcher working on “Investigation and modelling of the physical processes and dynamics leading to ionospheric irregularities”.

    Deadline for the application has been extended to 9 April 2020.

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  • Selezione dottore di ricerca

    March 2020

    Siamo alla ricerca per la nostra sede di Roma di un dottore di ricerca da inserire nelle attività di ricerca e sviluppo della società.

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  • FreeBreath 2019

    December 2019

    SpacEarth technology has been awarded an ESA Kick-Start funding to realise “FreeBreath”.

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  • NSE Expo Forum 2019

    December 10-12, 2019

    SpacEarth Technology will attend the New Space Economy European Expo Forum which will take place at Fiera di Roma on the 10-12 December 2019.

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  • Space Week 2019

    October 9-11, 2019

    The fourth edition of the conference will host the Horizon 2020 infoday, with workshops dedicated covering several topics in the space services and technologies applications.

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  • Raw Materials Summit 2019

    The Raw Materials Summit will gather in Berlin experts from Europe and the rest of the world to discuss strategies in relation to raw materials supply and access.

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Fields of expertise


Ionospheric Physics

The prediction and the mitigation of the stormy ionospheric weather is part of the space weather.


HF Communications

Exploiting a long-standing experience today we are able to carry out feasibility studies of long range links in the HF band.

Remote sensing and Geodesy

Geohazard monitoring, using a multiple-scale approach and exploiting a wide range of data.


Space Weather

Research and applications for assessing, predicting and mitigating the effects on technological systems.


HF and VHF Radar

Design and development of the RF hardware, acquisition circuitry, control system and antennas.

Environmental Geophysics

Geophysical exploration to obtain informations on the structure of the subsoil, the first meters of depth up to several hundred meters.

  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

    Roma, Italy
  • Politecnico di Torino

    Torino, Italy
  • Istituto Superiore Mario Boella

    Torino, Italy
  • Mackenzie University

    Sao Paolo, Brazil
  • Septentrio Satellite Navigation

    Leuven, Belgium
  • South Africa National Space Agency

    SANSA, South Africa
  • Space Research Centre

    Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
  • Telespazio

    Roma, Italy
  • University of Bath

    Bath, United Kingdom
  • University of Nottingham

    Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
  • Mackenzie University
  • Septentrio Satellite Navigation
  • South Africa National Space Agency
  • Space Research Centre
  • Telespazio
  • University of Bath
  • University of Nottingham

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Spacearth Technology Srl 

C.F. 12975411005 - P.IVA 12975411005

  • Viale dell'Astronomia 18, 00144 Roma
